In-game commands

are special instructions that you can use directly within a game! These commands let you act as an administrator for your server or simply add some fun to your gaming experience.

Command Example Description
/give [item ID] /give 81 Facilitates the act of providing a specific item to a player
/vehicle [vehicle ID] /vehicle 13 Delivers a specific vehicle to the assigned player.
/experience [amount] /experience 5000 Provides a specific amount of experience points to the player.
/teleport [target] /teleport wp Initiates the teleportation to specific map coordinates or to a designated player.
/time /time 360 Assigns the current time of the day-night cycle, in seconds.
/night /night Initiates the setting of nighttime. Can be used in a console.
/day /day Initiates the setting of daytime. Can be used in a console.
/kill [player] /kill dihardy Eliminates the specified player. Can be used in a console.
/animal [animal ID] /animal 1 Summons the chosen animal to the game world.
Flag [SteamID | Player]/[Flag]/[Value] /flag John/friendly/true Sets the "friendly" flag to true for the player named John. If no player is specified, the flag is set for the executing player.
Kick [SteamID | Player]/[Reason] /kick dihardy spam Removes a player from the server; leaving the reason blank kicks them with an "unspecified" message. Console-ready.
Spy [SteamID | Player] /spy dihardy Requests a screenshot from the target player and saves it on the caller's computer as Spy.jpg.
Slay [SteamID | Player]/[Reason] /slay dihardy/jerk Eliminates the designated player in-game and issues a permanent ban. If a player is specified without optional parameters, the banned duration defaults to 31,536,000 seconds (365 days) for an "unspecified" reason.
Weather [None | Disable | Storm | Blizzard | GUID] /weather storm Controls the current weather cycle.
UnlockNpcAchievement [SteamID | Player]/[AchievementID] /UnlockNpcAchievement dihardy/2 Bestows a player with the specified achievement. Only certain achievements are eligible for granting.
Unpermit [SteamID] /unpermit 7656119XXXXXXXXXX Excludes the designated player from the list of users allowed to join the server.

Console unturned commands

Console commands

are specific instructions that you can enter into your server's console. They give you the ability to manage and control various aspects of your server.

Command Example Description
Admin [SteamID | Player] admin dihardy Grants administrator privileges to the player named John.
Ban [SteamID | Player] ban dihardy Issues a ban to the specified player.
Bans bans Initiates a search for a comprehensive list of banned players.
CopyServerCode CopyServerCode Copies your server code to share it with your friends and play together.
EffectUI EffectUI 24 Initiates the spawning of a UI effect for the executing player.
Reload reload Refreshes an asset identified by its GUID
Reputation Reputation dihardy/10000 Grants reputation to a specified player. If no player is specified, the executing player receives the reputation.
Timeout [50-10000] timeout 250 Sets a maximum ping threshold for the server, resulting in a client being kicked if their ping exceeds the specified limit. If the command is not provided, it defaults to the value set by Max_Ping_Milliseconds, which is typically 750 milliseconds.
Unadmin [SteamID | Player] unadmin dihardy Restores the configuration file to its default values.
Unban [SteamID] unadmin 7656119XXXXXXXXXX Deletes the designated player from the list of prohibited users not allowed to join the server.
ResetConfig resetconfig Restores the configuration file to its default values.
Save save Compels a valid save of the server state.
Say [Text]/[R]/[G]/[B] say text/255/255/255 Conveys a message to all connected clients through in-game chat. If an RGB color is unspecified, it defaults to 0, 255, 0.
Debug debug Outputs information on the state of the server to the server console.
Shutdown [Delay]/[Explanation] shutdown 600/updating Saves the server state, disconnects clients, and shuts down the server. If executed without optional parameters, it immediately closes with no explanation to disconnected clients.
Help help Outputs information on commands, to the server console.
Votify [Vote Allowed Y/N]/[Pass Cooldown]/[Fail Cooldown]/[Vote Duration]/[Vote Percentage]/[Players] votify y/20/300/20/24 Enables server voting configuration. By default, voting is completely disabled.
Log [Chat Y/N]/[Join/Leave Y/N]/[Death Y/N]/[Anticheat Y/N] log y/y/y/y Assigns the console log options.
Modules modules Generates a roster of the loaded modules and displays it on the server console.
Permit [SteamID]/[Tag] permit 7656119XXXXXXXXXX/2 Includes the designated player in the list of allowed server users.
Permits permits Displays a roster of players authorized to join the server on the server console.
Players players Shows a list of current players on the server on the server console.
Quest [SteamID | Player]/[Quest] quest dihardy/suspected Assigns a quest flag to a player. If no player is specified, the executing player receives the quest flag.

Commands.dat unturned file

Commands.dat file

serves as the hub for controlling the properties of your server. This file allows you to adjust and manage various settings to tailor your server experience according to your preferences.

Command Example Description
Name [text] name MyBestServer Sets the server name for display on the server list.
Port [Number] port 27015 Sets the server's port. The server utilizes two consecutive ports: the first for server list queries (relevant to the console command), and the second for in-game traffic. Both ports should be opened on the router.
PvE [ON | OFF] pve on Turns off player-versus-player combat, favoring player-versus-environment engagements.
Owner [SteamID] owner 7656119XXXXXXXXXX Sets the server owner.
Perspective [First | Third | Both | Vehicle] perspective both Assigns the perspective of the server.
Password [Text] password myPass Sets the password needed to access the server.
Queue_Size [0-64] Queue_Size 6 Defines the maximum number of queued connections the server is willing to retain.
Welcome [Text]/[R]/[G]/[B] welcome hello, there/25/52/255 Defines a welcome message displayed to clients upon connection.
Whitelisted [ON | OFF] whitelisted on Restricts server access to permitted players only.
Bind[IP] bind Binds the specified internal IP to the socket.
Sync [ON | OFF] sync on Enables players to synchronize savedata across your servers.
Chatrate [0-60 in seconds] chatrate 15 Sets a cooldown of 10 seconds between chat messages.
Cheats [ON/OFF] cheats on Enables the usage of cheat commands.
Cycle [seconds] Cycle 3600 Sets the length of the day/night cycle to your period of time.
Filter filter Filters out players with non-English, non-alphanumeric names.
Mode [EASY | NORMAL | HARD] mode normal Assigns the difficulty of the server.
GameMode [Class Name] gamemode ??? Assigns the game mode of the server.
Map [Level] map Yukon Sets the map that the server loads on startup.
MaxPlayers [1-200] maxplayers 24 Sets the maximum number of connections the server is willing to accept.
MaxPlayers [1-200] maxplayers 24 Sets the maximum number of connections the server is willing to accept.
Gold [ON/OFF] gold on Marks the server as joinable only by Gold members.
GSLT [Login Token] GSLT yourtoken Sets the game server login token.
Hide_Admins [ON/OFF] Hide_Admins on Hides the visibility of admin labels from players.
Loadout [SkillsetID]/[ItemID]... loadout 2/1176 When spawning, grants players the specified item corresponding to their skillset. If the skillset ID is set to 255, it applies to all skillsets.
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