12 Gauge Shells Item ID

To copy the Unturned ID for 12 Gauge Shells to your clipboard, just hit the button displaying on the right.


This item has several id variations, you can switch between them:

Blueprints 12 Gauge Shells

1 blueprint is available for 12 Gauge Shells.

Blueprint 1 output:

Item IDNameImageAmount
12 Gauge Shells
12 Gauge Shells unturned id


Item IDNameImageAmount
12 Gauge Shells
12 Gauge Shells unturned id

Required Skill: None

Craft Category: Ammo

12 Gauge Shells unturned id

12 Gauge Shells details

Civilian grade Bluntforce shells.

You can use the following command to give this item:

/give 113
Takes horizontal slots1
Takes vertical slots1
In-game typeMagazine
Rounds Amount8
Spawns with rounds2-7
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