All tips to increase FPS in Unturned

Hello, everyone! This article will show you how to improve your FPS using various techniques to maximize your frames per second.

In-Game Settings: (Lowest Quality)

Head to your game's graphics settings for optimal FPS. Feel free to customize based on your preferences:

Steam Launch Options:

To improve Unturned performance, follow these steps:

1. Open your Steam library and find Unturned. Right-click the icon and select Properties.

launch options Unturned

2. In the Properties window, click "Set Launch Options."

-high -threads <x> -maxmem <xxxx> -dxlevel 90

3. Paste the line above into the Launch Options.

Explanation of the options:

- -high: Prioritizes Unturned as a high process.

- -threads <x>: Adjusts the number of threads your computer uses. To find this, press Windows Key + R, type "msconfig," go to the boot tab, click "Advanced Options," and check the number of processors.

launch options Unturned

Use up to 80% of the threads (e.g., -threads <8>).

- -maxmem <xxxx>: Sets the maximum RAM usage. Find your RAM by pressing Windows Key + R, typing "dxdiag," and locating "memory: xxxx." Use 80% of this value (e.g., -maxmem 8000).

- -dxlevel 90: Alters how Unturned is rendered, potentially improving FPS.

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