Configuration of Config.json file in Unturned.

If you're wondering how to configure the loot quantity from zombies and locations, as well as the characteristics of players, zombies, vehicles, animals and starting spawns, the Config.json file will help you with this!

Here are two main structures for a Config.json file: General configuration and Mode configuration.

The Config.json file is located at: Steam\steamapps\common\U3DS\Servers\{ServerName}\Config.json

General configuration

Here are some general configuration settings you can use for your server:

  "Browser": {
  "Server": {
  "UnityEvents": {

Mode Configuration

Here are configurations that depend on the difficulty of the server:

    "Easy": {

All Config.json file commands for Unturned

Let's break down each line of the code.

Unturned server icon

server icon
"Icon": "",

The "Icon" option is utilized to set the icon for your Unturned server. Players can view this icon when checking information about your server.

Size: 512x512 pixels.

You can utilize any free image hosting service, such as the one provided here, to upload your server icon.

Unturned server thumbnail

server thumbnail
"Thumbnail": "",

The "Thumbnail" option is used to set the thumbnail for your Unturned server. This thumbnail is visible when players browse through all Unturned servers.

Size: 256x256 pixels.

Unturned description server hint

server short description
"Desc_Hint": "<color=#ffffff>Description Hint</color> (short version)",

The "Desc_Hint" option is employed to set the short description hint for your Unturned server. This short description is visible when a player checks information about your server.

You can use these tags to format the text:

    <color=#FF0000>To set a color</color>
    <b>To make text bold</b>
    <i>To make text cursive</i>

Unturned description server full

server full description
"Desc_Full": " <color=#ffffff> <color=#c90076><b>This is</b> </color>a full description of the server! Visit <i></i>!</color>",

The "Desc_Full" option is used to set the full description for your Unturned server. Players can see this full description when checking information about your server.

Unturned description server list

server list description
"Desc_Server_List": "This is <color #FF0000>desc server list</color> description!",

The "Desc_Server_List" option is employed to set the description for your Unturned server in the server list. This description is visible when a player opens the server list.

Setting Up a Login Token

  1. To allow other players to connect to your server, you need a login token. Visit the Steam Game Server Account Management page.
  2. Log in to your Steam account, ensuring it meets specific requirements, including not being community banned and having no limitations.
  3. Locate the App ID of the base game field and insert the Unturned ID: 304930. Click 'Create' to generate a login token.
  4. Copy the generated token and insert into the Config.json file.

The default value of Config.json Unturned file:

    "Login_Token": "68B214CF96F30B6FF23A9F2CDF6637C4"

Well done! Your server is now secured with a login token.

Monetization Types

The creator of the game established certain rules for server owners to sell items within their virtual stores

    "Monetization": "Unspecified",

If you're creating a server exclusively for your friends, you can simply keep this setting as the default option.

    "Monetization": "None",

Servers that have no monetization or only offer a donation choice can select the "None" option.

    "Monetization": "NonGameplay",

Servers that only provide microtransactions without giving any gameplay advantages, like selling custom weapon skins and chat colors, should choose the "Non-Gameplay" option.

    "Monetization": "Monetized",

Servers that include any "pay-to-win" microtransactions, such as selling kits with advantageous items or vehicles, should opt for the "Monetized" category.

Unturned server links

server links
    "Links": [
        "Message": "<color=yellow>Best Unturned Wiki</color>",
        "Url": ""
        "Message": "Discord",
        "Url": ""

The "Links": option provides an opportunity to set links for your Unturned server.


    "VAC_Secure": true,

Enables or disables Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC) security for the server.

Options: true for enabled, false for disabled.


    "BattlEye_Secure": true,

Enables or disables BattlEye security for the server.

Options: true for enabled, false for disabled.


    "Max_Ping_Milliseconds": 750,

Sets the maximum allowed ping in milliseconds for players connecting to the server.

Default: 750 milliseconds.


    "Timeout_Queue_Seconds": 15.0,

Specifies the timeout duration for players in the connection queue

Default: 15 seconds.


    "Timeout_Game_Seconds": 30.0,

Sets the in-game timeout duration for players.

Default: 30 seconds.


    "Max_Packets_Per_Second": 50.0,

Limits the maximum number of packets per second a player can send.

Default: 50 packets per second.


    "Rate_Limit_Kick_Threshold": 10,

Specifies the threshold for kicking a player due to exceeding the rate limit.

Default: 10


    "Fake_Lag_Threshold_Seconds": 3.0,

Sets the threshold duration for triggering fake lag simulation.

Default: 3.0 seconds.


    "Fake_Lag_Log_Warnings": false,

Determines whether warnings for fake lag simulation are logged.

Options: true for logging warnings, false for not logging.


    "Fake_Lag_Damage_Penalty_Multiplier": 0.1,

Multiplier for damage penalty during fake lag simulation.

Default: 0.1


    "Enable_Kick_Input_Spam": false,

Enables or disables kicking players for input spam.

Options: true for enabled, false for disabled.


    "Enable_Kick_Input_Timeout": false,

Enables or disables kicking players for input timeout.

Options: true for enabled, false for disabled.


    "Enable_Scheduled_Shutdown": false,

Enables or disables scheduled server shutdown.

Options: true for enabled, false for disabled.


    "Scheduled_Shutdown_Time": "1:30 am",

Specifies the time for scheduled server shutdown (format: "HH:mm am/pm").


      "Scheduled_Shutdown_Warnings": [

List of warning durations before scheduled shutdown (in HH:mm:ss format).


    "Enable_Update_Shutdown": false,

Enables or disables server shutdown for updates.

Options: true for enabled, false for disabled.


    "Update_Steam_Beta_Name": "public",

Specifies the Steam beta branch name for updates.

Default: "public".


    "Update_Shutdown_Warnings": [

List of warning durations before server shutdown during updates (in HH:mm:ss format).


    "Validate_EconInfo_Hash": true,

Validates the hash of economic information for integrity.

Options: true for enabled, false for disabled.


    "Use_FakeIP": false

Enables or disables the use of a fake IP for the server.

Options: true for enabled, false for disabled.


    "Allow_Server_Messages": false,

Allows or disallows server messages.

Options: true for allowing, false for disallowing.


    "Allow_Server_Commands": false,

Allows or disallows server commands.

Options: true for allowing, false for disallowing.


    "Allow_Client_Messages": false,

Allows or disallows client messages.

Options: true for allowing, false for disallowing.


    "Allow_Client_Commands": false

Allows or disallows client commands.

Options: true for allowing, false for disallowing.

Dependency on Difficulty Settings

The following options are contingent on the difficulty chosen in the commands.dat file

which can be referenced through the example below:

    mode Hard

This command specifies the difficulty mode as "Hard," and it will apply configuration options under the "Hard": {} settings.

Item Configuration

The "Items" section allows you to configure various parameters related to in-game items and their behavior.

    "Items": {


    "Spawn_Chance": 0.35,

Sets the probability of item spawn.

Default: 0.35


    "Despawn_Dropped_Time": 600.0,

Specifies the time it takes for dropped items to despawn.

Default: 600.0 seconds.


    "Despawn_Natural_Time": 900.0,

Specifies the natural despawn time for items.

Default: 900.0 seconds.


    "Respawn_Time": 50.0,

Sets the time it takes for items to respawn.

Default: 50.0 seconds.


    "Quality_Full_Chance": 0.1,

Probability of items having full quality.

Default: 0.1


    "Quality_Multiplier": 1.0,

Multiplier for item quality.

Default: 1.0


    "Gun_Bullets_Full_Chance": 0.1,

Probability of guns having full bullets.

Default: 0.1


    "Magazine_Bullets_Full_Chance": 0.1,

Probability of magazines having full bullets.

Default: 0.1


    "Magazine_Bullets_Multiplier": 1.0,

Multiplier for magazine bullets.

Default: 1.0


    "Crate_Bullets_Full_Chance": 0.05,

Probability of crate items having full bullets.

Default: 0.1


    "Crate_Bullets_Multiplier": 1.0,

Multiplier for crate item bullets.

Default: 1.0


    "Has_Durability": true

Enables or disables item durability.

Options: true for enabling, false for disabling.

Vehicle Configuration

    "Vehicles": {


    "Decay_Time": 604800.0,

Time it takes for vehicles to decay and despawn.

Default: 604800.0 seconds (1 week).


    "Decay_Damage_Per_Second": 0.1,

Damage inflicted per second during vehicle decay.

Default: 0.1


    "Has_Battery_Chance": 0.8,

Probability of vehicles having a battery.

Default: 0.8


    "Min_Battery_Charge": 0.5,

Minimum battery charge for vehicles.

Default: 0.5


    "Max_Battery_Charge": 0.75,

Maximum battery charge for vehicles.

Default: 0.75


    "Has_Tire_Chance": 0.85,

Probability of vehicles having tires.

Default: 0.85


    "Respawn_Time": 300.0,

Time it takes for vehicles to respawn after despawning.

Default: 300.0 seconds.


    "Unlocked_After_Seconds_In_Safezone": 3600.0,

Time it takes for vehicles to unlock after being in a safezone.

Default: 3600.0 seconds (1 hour).


    "Armor_Multiplier": 1.0,

Multiplier for vehicle armor.

Default: 1.0


    "Child_Explosion_Armor_Multiplier": 1.0,

Multiplier for child explosion armor (e.g., when a vehicle explodes).

Default: 1.0


    "Gun_Lowcal_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,

Multiplier for low-caliber gun damage to vehicles.

Default: 1.0


    "Gun_Highcal_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,

Multiplier for high-caliber gun damage to vehicles.

Default: 1.0


    "Melee_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,

Multiplier for melee damage to vehicles.

Default: 1.0


    "Melee_Repair_Multiplier": 1.0,

Multiplier for repairing vehicles with melee tools.

Default: 1.0

Max_Instances_Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Insane:

    "Max_Instances_Tiny": 4,
    "Max_Instances_Small": 8,
    "Max_Instances_Medium": 16,
    "Max_Instances_Large": 32,
    "Max_Instances_Insane": 64

Maximum allowed instances of vehicles based on size categories.

Zombie Configuration


    "Spawn_Chance": 0.25,

Probability of zombie spawn.

Default: 0.25


    "Loot_Chance": 0.5,

Probability of zombies dropping loot.

Default: 0.5

Crawler_Chance, Sprinter_Chance, Flanker_Chance, Burner_Chance, Acid_Chance

    "Crawler_Chance": 0.15,
    "Sprinter_Chance": 0.15,
    "Flanker_Chance": 0.025,
    "Burner_Chance": 0.025,
    "Acid_Chance": 0.025,
    "Boss_Electric_Chance": 0.0,
    "Boss_Wind_Chance": 0.0,
    "Boss_Fire_Chance": 0.0,
    "Spirit_Chance": 0.0,
    "DL_Red_Volatile_Chance": 0.0,
    "DL_Blue_Volatile_Chance": 0.0,
    "Boss_Elver_Stomper_Chance": 0.0,
    "Boss_Kuwait_Chance": 0.0,

Probability of specific zombie types spawning.

Respawn_Day_Time, Respawn_Night_Time, Respawn_Beacon_Time

    "Respawn_Day_Time": 360.0,
    "Respawn_Night_Time": 30.0,
    "Respawn_Beacon_Time": 0.0,

Time it takes for zombies to respawn during different conditions.

Default: 360.0 (day), 30.0 (night), 0.0 (beacon).


    "Quest_Boss_Respawn_Interval": 600.0,

Time interval for quest boss zombie respawns.

Default: 600.0 seconds.

Damage_Multiplier, Armor_Multiplier, Backstab_Multiplier, NonHeadshot_Armor_Multiplier

    "Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
    "Armor_Multiplier": 1.0,
    "Backstab_Multiplier": 1.25,
    "NonHeadshot_Armor_Multiplier": 1.0,

Multipliers for zombie damage, armor, backstab damage, and non-headshot armor damage.

Beacon_Experience_Multiplier, Full_Moon_Experience_Multiplier

    "Beacon_Experience_Multiplier": 1.0,
    "Full_Moon_Experience_Multiplier": 2.0,

Multipliers for experience gained during beacon events and full moon nights.

Default: 1.0

Min_Drops, Max_Drops, Min_Mega_Drops, Max_Mega_Drops, Min_Boss_Drops, Max_Boss_Drops

    "Min_Drops": 1,
    "Max_Drops": 1,
    "Min_Mega_Drops": 5,
    "Max_Mega_Drops": 5,
    "Min_Boss_Drops": 8,
    "Max_Boss_Drops": 10,

Minimum and maximum number of drops for regular, mega, and boss zombies.

Slow_Movement, Can_Stun, Only_Critical_Stuns, Weapons_Use_Player_Damage

    "Slow_Movement": false,
    "Can_Stun": true,
    "Only_Critical_Stuns": false,
    "Weapons_Use_Player_Damage": false,

Various options related to zombie behavior and interactions with players.

Options: true for enabled, false for disabled.

Can_Target_Barricades, Can_Target_Structures, Can_Target_Vehicles

    "Can_Target_Barricades": true,
    "Can_Target_Structures": true,
    "Can_Target_Vehicles": true,

Options allowing zombies to target barricades, structures, and vehicles.

Options: true for enabled, false for disabled.

Beacon_Max_Rewards, Beacon_Max_Participants, Beacon_Rewards_Multiplier

    "Beacon_Max_Rewards": 0,
    "Beacon_Max_Participants": 0,
    "Beacon_Rewards_Multiplier": 1.0

Limits and multipliers related to beacon events.

Options: true for enabled, false for disabled.

Animal Configuration


    "Respawn_Time": 180.0,

Time it takes for animals to respawn.

Default: 180.0 seconds.


    "Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,

Multiplier for animal damage.

Default: 1.0


    "Armor_Multiplier": 1.0,

Multiplier for animal armor.

Default: 1.0

Max_Instances_Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Insane

    "Max_Instances_Tiny": 4,
    "Max_Instances_Small": 8,
    "Max_Instances_Medium": 16,
    "Max_Instances_Large": 32,
    "Max_Instances_Insane": 64,

Maximum allowed instances of animals based on size categories.


    "Weapons_Use_Player_Damage": false

Determines whether weapons use player damage against animals.

Options: true for using player damage, false for not using.

Barricade Configuration


    "Decay_Time": 604800,

Time it takes for barricades to decay.

Default: 604800 seconds (1 week).


    "Armor_Lowtier_Multiplier": 1.0,

Multiplier for armor of low-tier barricades.

Default: 1.0


    "Armor_Hightier_Multiplier": 0.5,

Multiplier for armor of high-tier barricades.

Default: 0.5

Gun_Lowcal_Damage_Multiplier, Gun_Highcal_Damage_Multiplier, Melee_Damage_Multiplier

    "Gun_Lowcal_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
    "Gun_Highcal_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
    "Melee_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,

Multipliers for damage dealt to barricades by low-caliber guns, high-caliber guns, and melee attacks.

Default: 1.0


    "Melee_Repair_Multiplier": 1.0,

Multiplier for repairing barricades with melee tools.

Default: 1.0

Allow_Item_Placement_On_Vehicle, Allow_Trap_Placement_On_Vehicle

    "Allow_Item_Placement_On_Vehicle": true,
    "Allow_Trap_Placement_On_Vehicle": true,

Options allowing item and trap placement on vehicles.

Options: true for enabled, false for disabled.

Max_Item_Distance_From_Hull, Max_Trap_Distance_From_Hull

    "Max_Item_Distance_From_Hull": 64.0,
    "Max_Trap_Distance_From_Hull": 16.0

Maximum allowed distance for item and trap placement from the vehicle hull.

Default: 64.0 (item), 16.0 (trap).

Structures Configuration


    "Decay_Time": 604800,

Time it takes for structures to decay.

Default: 604800 seconds (1 week).


    "Armor_Lowtier_Multiplier": 1.0,

Multiplier for armor of low-tier structures.

Default: 1.0


    "Armor_Hightier_Multiplier": 0.5,

Multiplier for armor of high-tier structures.

Default: 0.5

Gun_Lowcal_Damage_Multiplier, Gun_Highcal_Damage_Multiplier, Melee_Damage_Multiplier

    "Gun_Lowcal_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
    "Gun_Highcal_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
    "Melee_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,

Multipliers for damage dealt to structures by low-caliber guns, high-caliber guns, and melee attacks.

Default: 1.0


    "Melee_Repair_Multiplier": 1.0

Multiplier for repairing structures with melee tools.

Default: 1.0

Player Configuration


    "Health_Default": 100,

Default health value for players.

Default: 100

Health_Regen_Min_Food, Health_Regen_Min_Water, Health_Regen_Ticks

    "Health_Regen_Min_Food": 90,
    "Health_Regen_Min_Water": 90,
    "Health_Regen_Ticks": 60,

Parameters for health regeneration based on food and water levels.

Default: 90 (min food and water), 60 (regeneration ticks).

Food_Default, Food_Use_Ticks, Food_Damage_Ticks

    "Food_Default": 100,
    "Food_Use_Ticks": 300,
    "Food_Damage_Ticks": 15,

Default food value, ticks for food consumption, and ticks for food damage.

Water_Default, Water_Use_Ticks, Water_Damage_Ticks

    "Water_Default": 100,
    "Water_Use_Ticks": 270,
    "Water_Damage_Ticks": 20,

Default water value, ticks for water consumption, and ticks for water damage.

Virus_Default, Virus_Infect, Virus_Use_Ticks, Virus_Damage_Ticks

    "Virus_Default": 100,
    "Virus_Infect": 50,
    "Virus_Use_Ticks": 125,
    "Virus_Damage_Ticks": 25,

Parameters related to virus mechanics, including default value, infection chance, ticks for virus usage, and ticks for virus damage.

Leg_Regen_Ticks, Bleed_Damage_Ticks, Bleed_Regen_Ticks

    "Leg_Regen_Ticks": 750,
    "Bleed_Damage_Ticks": 10,
    "Bleed_Regen_Ticks": 750,

Ticks for leg regeneration, ticks for bleed damage, and ticks for bleed regeneration.

Armor_Multiplier, Experience_Multiplier, Detect_Radius_Multiplier

    "Armor_Multiplier": 1.0,
    "Experience_Multiplier": 1.0,
    "Detect_Radius_Multiplier": 1.0,

Multipliers for armor, experience gained, and detection radius.


    "Ray_Aggressor_Distance": 8.0,

Distance at which an aggressor can be detected.

Default: 8.0

Lose_Skills_PvP, Lose_Skills_PvE, Lose_Items_PvP, Lose_Items_PvE

    "Lose_Skills_PvP": 0.75,
    "Lose_Skills_PvE": 0.75,
    "Lose_Items_PvP": 1.0,
    "Lose_Items_PvE": 1.0,

Loss multipliers for skills and items in PvP and PvE scenarios.

Lose_Clothes_PvP, Lose_Clothes_PvE, Lose_Weapons_PvP, Lose_Weapons_PvE

    "Lose_Clothes_PvP": true,
    "Lose_Clothes_PvE": true,
    "Lose_Weapons_PvP": true,
    "Lose_Weapons_PvE": true,

Options allowing the loss of clothes and weapons in PvP and PvE scenarios.

Defaults: true for clothes, true for weapons.

Can_Hurt_Legs, Can_Break_Legs, Can_Fix_Legs, Can_Start_Bleeding, Can_Stop_Bleeding

    "Can_Hurt_Legs": true,
    "Can_Break_Legs": true,
    "Can_Fix_Legs": true,
    "Can_Start_Bleeding": true,
    "Can_Stop_Bleeding": true,

Options related to player interactions with legs and bleeding.

Spawn_With_Max_Skills, Spawn_With_Stamina_Skills

    "Spawn_With_Max_Skills": false,
    "Spawn_With_Stamina_Skills": false,

Options for spawning with maximum skills and stamina skills.

Defaults: false for both.


    "Allow_Instakill_Headshots": false,

Option allowing instakill headshots.

Default: false.


    "Allow_Per_Character_Saves": true

Option allowing per-character saves.

Default: true.

Objects Configuration


    "Binary_State_Reset_Multiplier": 1.0,

Multiplier for resetting binary states of objects.

Default: 1.0


    "Fuel_Reset_Multiplier": 1.0,

Multiplier for fuel reset of objects.

Default: 1.0


    "Water_Reset_Multiplier": 1.0,

Multiplier for water reset of objects.

Default: 1.0


    "Resource_Reset_Multiplier": 1.0,

Multiplier for resource reset of objects.

Default: 1.0


    "Resource_Drops_Multiplier": 1.0,

Multiplier for resource drops from objects.

Default: 1.0


    "Rubble_Reset_Multiplier": 1.0,

Multiplier for rubble reset of objects.

Default: 1.0


    "Allow_Holiday_Drops": true,

Option allowing holiday drops from objects.

Default: true


    "Items_Obstruct_Tree_Respawns": true

Option determining whether items obstruct tree respawns.

Default: true

Events Configuration

Rain_Frequency_Min, Rain_Frequency_Max, Rain_Duration_Min, Rain_Duration_Max

    "Rain_Frequency_Min": 2.3,
    "Rain_Frequency_Max": 5.6,
    "Rain_Duration_Min": 0.05,
    "Rain_Duration_Max": 0.15,

Parameters for rain frequency and duration.

Snow_Frequency_Min, Snow_Frequency_Max, Snow_Duration_Min, Snow_Duration_Max

    "Snow_Frequency_Min": 1.3,
    "Snow_Frequency_Max": 4.6,
    "Snow_Duration_Min": 0.2,
    "Snow_Duration_Max": 0.5,

Parameters for snow frequency and duration.

Weather_Frequency_Multiplier, Weather_Duration_Multiplier

    "Weather_Frequency_Multiplier": 1.0,
    "Weather_Duration_Multiplier": 1.0,

Multipliers for overall weather frequency and duration.

Default: 1.0

Airdrop_Frequency_Min, Airdrop_Frequency_Max, Airdrop_Speed, Airdrop_Force

    "Airdrop_Frequency_Min": 0.8,
    "Airdrop_Frequency_Max": 6.5,
    "Airdrop_Speed": 128.0,
    "Airdrop_Force": 9.5,

Parameters for airdrop frequency, speed, and force.

Arena_Min_Players, Arena_Compactor_Damage, Arena_Compactor_Extra_Damage_Per_Second

    "Arena_Min_Players": 2,
    "Arena_Compactor_Damage": 9,
    "Arena_Compactor_Extra_Damage_Per_Second": 1.0,

Parameters for arena events, including minimum players, compactor damage, and extra damage per second.

Arena_Clear_Timer, Arena_Finale_Timer, Arena_Restart_Timer, Arena_Compactor_Delay_Timer, Arena_Compactor_Pause_Timer

    "Arena_Clear_Timer": 5,
    "Arena_Finale_Timer": 10,
    "Arena_Restart_Timer": 15,
    "Arena_Compactor_Delay_Timer": 1,
    "Arena_Compactor_Pause_Timer": 5,

Timers for different stages of arena events.

Use_Airdrops, Arena_Use_Compactor_Pause

    "Use_Airdrops": true,
    "Arena_Use_Compactor_Pause": true,

Options for using airdrops and compactor pause in arena events.

Defaults: true for both.

Arena_Compactor_Speed_Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Insane, Arena_Compactor_Shrink_Factor

    "Arena_Compactor_Speed_Tiny": 0.5,
    "Arena_Compactor_Speed_Small": 1.5,
    "Arena_Compactor_Speed_Medium": 3.0,
    "Arena_Compactor_Speed_Large": 4.5,
    "Arena_Compactor_Speed_Insane": 6.0,
    "Arena_Compactor_Shrink_Factor": 0.5

Speeds and shrink factor for the arena compactor in different stages.

Gameplay Configuration


    "Repair_Level_Max": 3,

Maximum repair level for items.

Default: 3

Hitmarkers, Crosshair, Ballistics

    "Hitmarkers": true,
    "Crosshair": true,
    "Ballistics": true,

Options for hitmarkers, crosshair, and ballistics.

Options: true for enabled, false for disabled.

Chart, Satellite, Compass

    "Chart": false,
    "Satellite": false,
    "Compass": false,

Options for chart, satellite, and compass.

Options: true for enabled, false for disabled.

Group_Map, Group_HUD, Group_Player_List

    "Group_Map": true,
    "Group_HUD": true,
    "Group_Player_List": true,

Options for group map, HUD, and player list.

Options: true for enabled, false for disabled.

Allow_Static_Groups, Allow_Dynamic_Groups, Allow_Lobby_Groups

    "Allow_Static_Groups": true,
    "Allow_Dynamic_Groups": true, 
    "Allow_Lobby_Groups": true,

Options for allowing static groups, dynamic groups, and lobby groups.

Options: true for enabled, false for disabled.

Allow_Shoulder_Camera, Can_Suicide, Friendly_Fire, Bypass_Buildable_Mobility

    "Allow_Shoulder_Camera": true,
    "Can_Suicide": true,
    "Friendly_Fire": false,
    "Bypass_Buildable_Mobility": false,

Options for shoulder camera, suicide, friendly fire, and bypassing buildable mobility.

Options: true for enabled, false for disabled.

Allow_Holidays, Allow_Freeform_Buildables, Allow_Freeform_Buildables_On_Vehicles

    "Allow_Holidays": true,
    "Allow_Freeform_Buildables": true,
    "Allow_Freeform_Buildables_On_Vehicles": true,

Options for allowing holidays, freeform buildables, and freeform buildables on vehicles.

Options: true for enabled, false for disabled.

Timer_Exit, Timer_Respawn, Timer_Home, Timer_Leave_Group

    "Timer_Exit": 10,
    "Timer_Respawn": 10,
    "Timer_Home": 30,
    "Timer_Leave_Group": 30,

Timers for various actions in the game.


    "Max_Group_Members": 0,

Maximum number of members allowed in a group.

Default: 0 (unlimited).

Explosion_Launch_Speed_Multiplier, AirStrafing_Acceleration_Multiplier, AirStrafing_Deceleration_Multiplier

    "Explosion_Launch_Speed_Multiplier": 1.0,
    "AirStrafing_Acceleration_Multiplier": 1.0,
    "AirStrafing_Deceleration_Multiplier": 1.0,

Multipliers for explosion launch speed, air strafing acceleration, and air strafing deceleration.

Defaults: 1.0

ThirdPerson_RecoilMultiplier, ThirdPerson_SpreadMultiplier

    "ThirdPerson_RecoilMultiplier": 2.0,
    "ThirdPerson_SpreadMultiplier": 2.0

Multipliers for third-person recoil and spread.

Defaults: 1.0

The full Config.json file:

  "Browser": {
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    "Desc_Full": "",
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    "Links": null
  "Server": {
    "VAC_Secure": true,
    "BattlEye_Secure": true,
    "Max_Ping_Milliseconds": 750,
    "Timeout_Queue_Seconds": 15.0,
    "Timeout_Game_Seconds": 30.0,
    "Max_Packets_Per_Second": 50.0,
    "Rate_Limit_Kick_Threshold": 10,
    "Fake_Lag_Threshold_Seconds": 3.0,
    "Fake_Lag_Log_Warnings": false,
    "Fake_Lag_Damage_Penalty_Multiplier": 0.1,
    "Enable_Kick_Input_Spam": false,
    "Enable_Kick_Input_Timeout": false,
    "Enable_Scheduled_Shutdown": false,
    "Scheduled_Shutdown_Time": "1:30 am",
    "Scheduled_Shutdown_Warnings": [
    "Enable_Update_Shutdown": false,
    "Update_Steam_Beta_Name": "public",
    "Update_Shutdown_Warnings": [
    "Validate_EconInfo_Hash": true,
    "Use_FakeIP": false
  "UnityEvents": {
    "Allow_Server_Messages": false,
    "Allow_Server_Commands": false,
    "Allow_Client_Messages": false,
    "Allow_Client_Commands": false
  "Easy": {
    "Items": {
      "Spawn_Chance": 0.35,
      "Despawn_Dropped_Time": 600.0,
      "Despawn_Natural_Time": 900.0,
      "Respawn_Time": 50.0,
      "Quality_Full_Chance": 0.1,
      "Quality_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Gun_Bullets_Full_Chance": 0.1,
      "Gun_Bullets_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Magazine_Bullets_Full_Chance": 0.1,
      "Magazine_Bullets_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Crate_Bullets_Full_Chance": 0.1,
      "Crate_Bullets_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Has_Durability": false
    "Vehicles": {
      "Decay_Time": 604800.0,
      "Decay_Damage_Per_Second": 0.1,
      "Has_Battery_Chance": 1.0,
      "Min_Battery_Charge": 0.8,
      "Max_Battery_Charge": 1.0,
      "Has_Tire_Chance": 1.0,
      "Respawn_Time": 300.0,
      "Unlocked_After_Seconds_In_Safezone": 3600.0,
      "Armor_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Child_Explosion_Armor_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Gun_Lowcal_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Gun_Highcal_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Melee_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Melee_Repair_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Max_Instances_Tiny": 4,
      "Max_Instances_Small": 8,
      "Max_Instances_Medium": 16,
      "Max_Instances_Large": 32,
      "Max_Instances_Insane": 64
    "Zombies": {
      "Spawn_Chance": 0.2,
      "Loot_Chance": 0.55,
      "Crawler_Chance": 0.0,
      "Sprinter_Chance": 0.0,
      "Flanker_Chance": 0.0,
      "Burner_Chance": 0.0,
      "Acid_Chance": 0.0,
      "Boss_Electric_Chance": 0.0,
      "Boss_Wind_Chance": 0.0,
      "Boss_Fire_Chance": 0.0,
      "Spirit_Chance": 0.0,
      "DL_Red_Volatile_Chance": 0.0,
      "DL_Blue_Volatile_Chance": 0.0,
      "Boss_Elver_Stomper_Chance": 0.0,
      "Boss_Kuwait_Chance": 0.0,
      "Respawn_Day_Time": 360.0,
      "Respawn_Night_Time": 30.0,
      "Respawn_Beacon_Time": 0.0,
      "Quest_Boss_Respawn_Interval": 600.0,
      "Damage_Multiplier": 0.75,
      "Armor_Multiplier": 1.25,
      "Backstab_Multiplier": 1.25,
      "NonHeadshot_Armor_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Beacon_Experience_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Full_Moon_Experience_Multiplier": 2.0,
      "Min_Drops": 1,
      "Max_Drops": 1,
      "Min_Mega_Drops": 5,
      "Max_Mega_Drops": 5,
      "Min_Boss_Drops": 8,
      "Max_Boss_Drops": 10,
      "Slow_Movement": true,
      "Can_Stun": true,
      "Only_Critical_Stuns": false,
      "Weapons_Use_Player_Damage": false,
      "Can_Target_Barricades": true,
      "Can_Target_Structures": true,
      "Can_Target_Vehicles": true,
      "Beacon_Max_Rewards": 0,
      "Beacon_Max_Participants": 0,
      "Beacon_Rewards_Multiplier": 1.0
    "Animals": {
      "Respawn_Time": 180.0,
      "Damage_Multiplier": 0.75,
      "Armor_Multiplier": 1.25,
      "Max_Instances_Tiny": 4,
      "Max_Instances_Small": 8,
      "Max_Instances_Medium": 16,
      "Max_Instances_Large": 32,
      "Max_Instances_Insane": 64,
      "Weapons_Use_Player_Damage": false
    "Barricades": {
      "Decay_Time": 604800,
      "Armor_Lowtier_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Armor_Hightier_Multiplier": 0.5,
      "Gun_Lowcal_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Gun_Highcal_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Melee_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Melee_Repair_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Allow_Item_Placement_On_Vehicle": true,
      "Allow_Trap_Placement_On_Vehicle": true,
      "Max_Item_Distance_From_Hull": 64.0,
      "Max_Trap_Distance_From_Hull": 16.0
    "Structures": {
      "Decay_Time": 604800,
      "Armor_Lowtier_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Armor_Hightier_Multiplier": 0.5,
      "Gun_Lowcal_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Gun_Highcal_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Melee_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Melee_Repair_Multiplier": 1.0
    "Players": {
      "Health_Default": 100,
      "Health_Regen_Min_Food": 90,
      "Health_Regen_Min_Water": 90,
      "Health_Regen_Ticks": 60,
      "Food_Default": 100,
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      "Water_Default": 100,
      "Water_Use_Ticks": 320,
      "Water_Damage_Ticks": 20,
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      "Bleed_Regen_Ticks": 750,
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      "Experience_Multiplier": 1.5,
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      "Lose_Skills_PvE": 0.75,
      "Lose_Items_PvP": 1.0,
      "Lose_Items_PvE": 1.0,
      "Lose_Clothes_PvP": true,
      "Lose_Clothes_PvE": true,
      "Lose_Weapons_PvP": true,
      "Lose_Weapons_PvE": true,
      "Can_Hurt_Legs": true,
      "Can_Break_Legs": false,
      "Can_Fix_Legs": true,
      "Can_Start_Bleeding": false,
      "Can_Stop_Bleeding": true,
      "Spawn_With_Max_Skills": false,
      "Spawn_With_Stamina_Skills": false,
      "Allow_Instakill_Headshots": false,
      "Allow_Per_Character_Saves": true
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      "Water_Reset_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Resource_Reset_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Resource_Drops_Multiplier": 1.0,
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      "Items_Obstruct_Tree_Respawns": true
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      "Rain_Frequency_Max": 5.6,
      "Rain_Duration_Min": 0.05,
      "Rain_Duration_Max": 0.15,
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      "Snow_Frequency_Max": 4.6,
      "Snow_Duration_Min": 0.2,
      "Snow_Duration_Max": 0.5,
      "Weather_Frequency_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Weather_Duration_Multiplier": 1.0,
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      "Airdrop_Frequency_Max": 6.5,
      "Airdrop_Speed": 128.0,
      "Airdrop_Force": 9.5,
      "Arena_Min_Players": 2,
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      "Arena_Compactor_Extra_Damage_Per_Second": 1.0,
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      "Arena_Finale_Timer": 10,
      "Arena_Restart_Timer": 15,
      "Arena_Compactor_Delay_Timer": 1,
      "Arena_Compactor_Pause_Timer": 5,
      "Use_Airdrops": true,
      "Arena_Use_Compactor_Pause": true,
      "Arena_Compactor_Speed_Tiny": 0.5,
      "Arena_Compactor_Speed_Small": 1.5,
      "Arena_Compactor_Speed_Medium": 3.0,
      "Arena_Compactor_Speed_Large": 4.5,
      "Arena_Compactor_Speed_Insane": 6.0,
      "Arena_Compactor_Shrink_Factor": 0.5
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      "Allow_Holidays": true,
      "Allow_Freeform_Buildables": true,
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      "Timer_Exit": 10,
      "Timer_Respawn": 10,
      "Timer_Home": 30,
      "Timer_Leave_Group": 30,
      "Max_Group_Members": 0,
      "Explosion_Launch_Speed_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "AirStrafing_Acceleration_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "AirStrafing_Deceleration_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "ThirdPerson_RecoilMultiplier": 2.0,
      "ThirdPerson_SpreadMultiplier": 2.0
  "Normal": {
    "Items": {
      "Spawn_Chance": 0.35,
      "Despawn_Dropped_Time": 600.0,
      "Despawn_Natural_Time": 900.0,
      "Respawn_Time": 100.0,
      "Quality_Full_Chance": 0.1,
      "Quality_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Gun_Bullets_Full_Chance": 0.05,
      "Gun_Bullets_Multiplier": 0.25,
      "Magazine_Bullets_Full_Chance": 0.05,
      "Magazine_Bullets_Multiplier": 0.5,
      "Crate_Bullets_Full_Chance": 0.05,
      "Crate_Bullets_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Has_Durability": true
    "Vehicles": {
      "Decay_Time": 604800.0,
      "Decay_Damage_Per_Second": 0.1,
      "Has_Battery_Chance": 0.8,
      "Min_Battery_Charge": 0.5,
      "Max_Battery_Charge": 0.75,
      "Has_Tire_Chance": 0.85,
      "Respawn_Time": 300.0,
      "Unlocked_After_Seconds_In_Safezone": 3600.0,
      "Armor_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Child_Explosion_Armor_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Gun_Lowcal_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Gun_Highcal_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Melee_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Melee_Repair_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Max_Instances_Tiny": 4,
      "Max_Instances_Small": 8,
      "Max_Instances_Medium": 16,
      "Max_Instances_Large": 32,
      "Max_Instances_Insane": 64
    "Zombies": {
      "Spawn_Chance": 0.25,
      "Loot_Chance": 0.5,
      "Crawler_Chance": 0.15,
      "Sprinter_Chance": 0.15,
      "Flanker_Chance": 0.025,
      "Burner_Chance": 0.025,
      "Acid_Chance": 0.025,
      "Boss_Electric_Chance": 0.0,
      "Boss_Wind_Chance": 0.0,
      "Boss_Fire_Chance": 0.0,
      "Spirit_Chance": 0.0,
      "DL_Red_Volatile_Chance": 0.0,
      "DL_Blue_Volatile_Chance": 0.0,
      "Boss_Elver_Stomper_Chance": 0.0,
      "Boss_Kuwait_Chance": 0.0,
      "Respawn_Day_Time": 360.0,
      "Respawn_Night_Time": 30.0,
      "Respawn_Beacon_Time": 0.0,
      "Quest_Boss_Respawn_Interval": 600.0,
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      "Armor_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Backstab_Multiplier": 1.25,
      "NonHeadshot_Armor_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Beacon_Experience_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Full_Moon_Experience_Multiplier": 2.0,
      "Min_Drops": 1,
      "Max_Drops": 1,
      "Min_Mega_Drops": 5,
      "Max_Mega_Drops": 5,
      "Min_Boss_Drops": 8,
      "Max_Boss_Drops": 10,
      "Slow_Movement": false,
      "Can_Stun": true,
      "Only_Critical_Stuns": false,
      "Weapons_Use_Player_Damage": false,
      "Can_Target_Barricades": true,
      "Can_Target_Structures": true,
      "Can_Target_Vehicles": true,
      "Beacon_Max_Rewards": 0,
      "Beacon_Max_Participants": 0,
      "Beacon_Rewards_Multiplier": 1.0
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      "Respawn_Time": 180.0,
      "Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Armor_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Max_Instances_Tiny": 4,
      "Max_Instances_Small": 8,
      "Max_Instances_Medium": 16,
      "Max_Instances_Large": 32,
      "Max_Instances_Insane": 64,
      "Weapons_Use_Player_Damage": false
    "Barricades": {
      "Decay_Time": 604800,
      "Armor_Lowtier_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Armor_Hightier_Multiplier": 0.5,
      "Gun_Lowcal_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Gun_Highcal_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Melee_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Melee_Repair_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Allow_Item_Placement_On_Vehicle": true,
      "Allow_Trap_Placement_On_Vehicle": true,
      "Max_Item_Distance_From_Hull": 64.0,
      "Max_Trap_Distance_From_Hull": 16.0
    "Structures": {
      "Decay_Time": 604800,
      "Armor_Lowtier_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Armor_Hightier_Multiplier": 0.5,
      "Gun_Lowcal_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Gun_Highcal_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Melee_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Melee_Repair_Multiplier": 1.0
    "Players": {
      "Health_Default": 100,
      "Health_Regen_Min_Food": 90,
      "Health_Regen_Min_Water": 90,
      "Health_Regen_Ticks": 60,
      "Food_Default": 100,
      "Food_Use_Ticks": 300,
      "Food_Damage_Ticks": 15,
      "Water_Default": 100,
      "Water_Use_Ticks": 270,
      "Water_Damage_Ticks": 20,
      "Virus_Default": 100,
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      "Virus_Use_Ticks": 125,
      "Virus_Damage_Ticks": 25,
      "Leg_Regen_Ticks": 750,
      "Bleed_Damage_Ticks": 10,
      "Bleed_Regen_Ticks": 750,
      "Armor_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Experience_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Detect_Radius_Multiplier": 1.0,
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      "Lose_Skills_PvE": 0.75,
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      "Lose_Items_PvE": 1.0,
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      "Lose_Clothes_PvE": true,
      "Lose_Weapons_PvP": true,
      "Lose_Weapons_PvE": true,
      "Can_Hurt_Legs": true,
      "Can_Break_Legs": true,
      "Can_Fix_Legs": true,
      "Can_Start_Bleeding": true,
      "Can_Stop_Bleeding": true,
      "Spawn_With_Max_Skills": false,
      "Spawn_With_Stamina_Skills": false,
      "Allow_Instakill_Headshots": false,
      "Allow_Per_Character_Saves": true
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      "Binary_State_Reset_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Fuel_Reset_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Water_Reset_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Resource_Reset_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Resource_Drops_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Rubble_Reset_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Allow_Holiday_Drops": true,
      "Items_Obstruct_Tree_Respawns": true
    "Events": {
      "Rain_Frequency_Min": 2.3,
      "Rain_Frequency_Max": 5.6,
      "Rain_Duration_Min": 0.05,
      "Rain_Duration_Max": 0.15,
      "Snow_Frequency_Min": 1.3,
      "Snow_Frequency_Max": 4.6,
      "Snow_Duration_Min": 0.2,
      "Snow_Duration_Max": 0.5,
      "Weather_Frequency_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Weather_Duration_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Airdrop_Frequency_Min": 0.8,
      "Airdrop_Frequency_Max": 6.5,
      "Airdrop_Speed": 128.0,
      "Airdrop_Force": 9.5,
      "Arena_Min_Players": 2,
      "Arena_Compactor_Damage": 9,
      "Arena_Compactor_Extra_Damage_Per_Second": 1.0,
      "Arena_Clear_Timer": 5,
      "Arena_Finale_Timer": 10,
      "Arena_Restart_Timer": 15,
      "Arena_Compactor_Delay_Timer": 1,
      "Arena_Compactor_Pause_Timer": 5,
      "Use_Airdrops": true,
      "Arena_Use_Compactor_Pause": true,
      "Arena_Compactor_Speed_Tiny": 0.5,
      "Arena_Compactor_Speed_Small": 1.5,
      "Arena_Compactor_Speed_Medium": 3.0,
      "Arena_Compactor_Speed_Large": 4.5,
      "Arena_Compactor_Speed_Insane": 6.0,
      "Arena_Compactor_Shrink_Factor": 0.5
    "Gameplay": {
      "Repair_Level_Max": 3,
      "Hitmarkers": true,
      "Crosshair": true,
      "Ballistics": true,
      "Chart": false,
      "Satellite": false,
      "Compass": false,
      "Group_Map": true,
      "Group_HUD": true,
      "Group_Player_List": true,
      "Allow_Static_Groups": true,
      "Allow_Dynamic_Groups": true,
      "Allow_Lobby_Groups": true,
      "Allow_Shoulder_Camera": true,
      "Can_Suicide": true,
      "Friendly_Fire": false,
      "Bypass_Buildable_Mobility": false,
      "Allow_Holidays": true,
      "Allow_Freeform_Buildables": true,
      "Allow_Freeform_Buildables_On_Vehicles": true,
      "Timer_Exit": 10,
      "Timer_Respawn": 10,
      "Timer_Home": 30,
      "Timer_Leave_Group": 30,
      "Max_Group_Members": 0,
      "Explosion_Launch_Speed_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "AirStrafing_Acceleration_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "AirStrafing_Deceleration_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "ThirdPerson_RecoilMultiplier": 2.0,
      "ThirdPerson_SpreadMultiplier": 2.0
  "Hard": {
    "Items": {
      "Spawn_Chance": 0.15,
      "Despawn_Dropped_Time": 600.0,
      "Despawn_Natural_Time": 900.0,
      "Respawn_Time": 150.0,
      "Quality_Full_Chance": 0.01,
      "Quality_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Gun_Bullets_Full_Chance": 0.025,
      "Gun_Bullets_Multiplier": 0.1,
      "Magazine_Bullets_Full_Chance": 0.025,
      "Magazine_Bullets_Multiplier": 0.25,
      "Crate_Bullets_Full_Chance": 0.025,
      "Crate_Bullets_Multiplier": 0.75,
      "Has_Durability": true
    "Vehicles": {
      "Decay_Time": 604800.0,
      "Decay_Damage_Per_Second": 0.1,
      "Has_Battery_Chance": 0.25,
      "Min_Battery_Charge": 0.1,
      "Max_Battery_Charge": 0.3,
      "Has_Tire_Chance": 0.7,
      "Respawn_Time": 300.0,
      "Unlocked_After_Seconds_In_Safezone": 3600.0,
      "Armor_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Child_Explosion_Armor_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Gun_Lowcal_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Gun_Highcal_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Melee_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Melee_Repair_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Max_Instances_Tiny": 4,
      "Max_Instances_Small": 8,
      "Max_Instances_Medium": 16,
      "Max_Instances_Large": 32,
      "Max_Instances_Insane": 64
    "Zombies": {
      "Spawn_Chance": 0.3,
      "Loot_Chance": 0.3,
      "Crawler_Chance": 0.125,
      "Sprinter_Chance": 0.175,
      "Flanker_Chance": 0.05,
      "Burner_Chance": 0.05,
      "Acid_Chance": 0.05,
      "Boss_Electric_Chance": 0.0,
      "Boss_Wind_Chance": 0.0,
      "Boss_Fire_Chance": 0.0,
      "Spirit_Chance": 0.0,
      "DL_Red_Volatile_Chance": 0.0,
      "DL_Blue_Volatile_Chance": 0.0,
      "Boss_Elver_Stomper_Chance": 0.0,
      "Boss_Kuwait_Chance": 0.0,
      "Respawn_Day_Time": 360.0,
      "Respawn_Night_Time": 30.0,
      "Respawn_Beacon_Time": 0.0,
      "Quest_Boss_Respawn_Interval": 600.0,
      "Damage_Multiplier": 1.5,
      "Armor_Multiplier": 0.75,
      "Backstab_Multiplier": 1.25,
      "NonHeadshot_Armor_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Beacon_Experience_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Full_Moon_Experience_Multiplier": 2.0,
      "Min_Drops": 1,
      "Max_Drops": 1,
      "Min_Mega_Drops": 5,
      "Max_Mega_Drops": 5,
      "Min_Boss_Drops": 8,
      "Max_Boss_Drops": 10,
      "Slow_Movement": false,
      "Can_Stun": false,
      "Only_Critical_Stuns": true,
      "Weapons_Use_Player_Damage": true,
      "Can_Target_Barricades": true,
      "Can_Target_Structures": true,
      "Can_Target_Vehicles": true,
      "Beacon_Max_Rewards": 0,
      "Beacon_Max_Participants": 0,
      "Beacon_Rewards_Multiplier": 1.0
    "Animals": {
      "Respawn_Time": 180.0,
      "Damage_Multiplier": 1.5,
      "Armor_Multiplier": 0.75,
      "Max_Instances_Tiny": 4,
      "Max_Instances_Small": 8,
      "Max_Instances_Medium": 16,
      "Max_Instances_Large": 32,
      "Max_Instances_Insane": 64,
      "Weapons_Use_Player_Damage": true
    "Barricades": {
      "Decay_Time": 604800,
      "Armor_Lowtier_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Armor_Hightier_Multiplier": 0.5,
      "Gun_Lowcal_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Gun_Highcal_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Melee_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Melee_Repair_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Allow_Item_Placement_On_Vehicle": true,
      "Allow_Trap_Placement_On_Vehicle": true,
      "Max_Item_Distance_From_Hull": 64.0,
      "Max_Trap_Distance_From_Hull": 16.0
    "Structures": {
      "Decay_Time": 604800,
      "Armor_Lowtier_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Armor_Hightier_Multiplier": 0.5,
      "Gun_Lowcal_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Gun_Highcal_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Melee_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Melee_Repair_Multiplier": 1.0
    "Players": {
      "Health_Default": 100,
      "Health_Regen_Min_Food": 90,
      "Health_Regen_Min_Water": 90,
      "Health_Regen_Ticks": 60,
      "Food_Default": 85,
      "Food_Use_Ticks": 250,
      "Food_Damage_Ticks": 15,
      "Water_Default": 85,
      "Water_Use_Ticks": 220,
      "Water_Damage_Ticks": 20,
      "Virus_Default": 100,
      "Virus_Infect": 50,
      "Virus_Use_Ticks": 125,
      "Virus_Damage_Ticks": 25,
      "Leg_Regen_Ticks": 750,
      "Bleed_Damage_Ticks": 10,
      "Bleed_Regen_Ticks": 750,
      "Armor_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Experience_Multiplier": 1.5,
      "Detect_Radius_Multiplier": 1.25,
      "Ray_Aggressor_Distance": 8.0,
      "Lose_Skills_PvP": 0.75,
      "Lose_Skills_PvE": 0.75,
      "Lose_Items_PvP": 1.0,
      "Lose_Items_PvE": 1.0,
      "Lose_Clothes_PvP": true,
      "Lose_Clothes_PvE": true,
      "Lose_Weapons_PvP": true,
      "Lose_Weapons_PvE": true,
      "Can_Hurt_Legs": true,
      "Can_Break_Legs": true,
      "Can_Fix_Legs": false,
      "Can_Start_Bleeding": true,
      "Can_Stop_Bleeding": false,
      "Spawn_With_Max_Skills": false,
      "Spawn_With_Stamina_Skills": false,
      "Allow_Instakill_Headshots": true,
      "Allow_Per_Character_Saves": true
    "Objects": {
      "Binary_State_Reset_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Fuel_Reset_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Water_Reset_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Resource_Reset_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Resource_Drops_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Rubble_Reset_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Allow_Holiday_Drops": true,
      "Items_Obstruct_Tree_Respawns": true
    "Events": {
      "Rain_Frequency_Min": 2.3,
      "Rain_Frequency_Max": 5.6,
      "Rain_Duration_Min": 0.05,
      "Rain_Duration_Max": 0.15,
      "Snow_Frequency_Min": 1.3,
      "Snow_Frequency_Max": 4.6,
      "Snow_Duration_Min": 0.2,
      "Snow_Duration_Max": 0.5,
      "Weather_Frequency_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Weather_Duration_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Airdrop_Frequency_Min": 0.8,
      "Airdrop_Frequency_Max": 6.5,
      "Airdrop_Speed": 128.0,
      "Airdrop_Force": 9.5,
      "Arena_Min_Players": 2,
      "Arena_Compactor_Damage": 9,
      "Arena_Compactor_Extra_Damage_Per_Second": 1.0,
      "Arena_Clear_Timer": 5,
      "Arena_Finale_Timer": 10,
      "Arena_Restart_Timer": 15,
      "Arena_Compactor_Delay_Timer": 1,
      "Arena_Compactor_Pause_Timer": 5,
      "Use_Airdrops": true,
      "Arena_Use_Compactor_Pause": true,
      "Arena_Compactor_Speed_Tiny": 0.5,
      "Arena_Compactor_Speed_Small": 1.5,
      "Arena_Compactor_Speed_Medium": 3.0,
      "Arena_Compactor_Speed_Large": 4.5,
      "Arena_Compactor_Speed_Insane": 6.0,
      "Arena_Compactor_Shrink_Factor": 0.5
    "Gameplay": {
      "Repair_Level_Max": 3,
      "Hitmarkers": false,
      "Crosshair": false,
      "Ballistics": true,
      "Chart": false,
      "Satellite": false,
      "Compass": false,
      "Group_Map": false,
      "Group_HUD": true,
      "Group_Player_List": true,
      "Allow_Static_Groups": true,
      "Allow_Dynamic_Groups": true,
      "Allow_Lobby_Groups": true,
      "Allow_Shoulder_Camera": true,
      "Can_Suicide": true,
      "Friendly_Fire": false,
      "Bypass_Buildable_Mobility": false,
      "Allow_Holidays": true,
      "Allow_Freeform_Buildables": true,
      "Allow_Freeform_Buildables_On_Vehicles": true,
      "Timer_Exit": 10,
      "Timer_Respawn": 10,
      "Timer_Home": 30,
      "Timer_Leave_Group": 30,
      "Max_Group_Members": 0,
      "Explosion_Launch_Speed_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "AirStrafing_Acceleration_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "AirStrafing_Deceleration_Multiplier": 1.0,
      "ThirdPerson_RecoilMultiplier": 2.0,
      "ThirdPerson_SpreadMultiplier": 2.0
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